Friday, September 29, 2006

Rain, Productivity and Rainbows

Today was an OK day.
I was quite productive at work and got stuff done.
Mysteriously the dealer locator was still working and stuff… how odd. And the web service problems have seemed to go away. Whoo Hoo!
It was good for a Friday.

After work I started getting antsy and wanted to do something. After a long week of work, you’ve got to do something. I tried to call a few people, but nothing became of anything.
So, I really didn’t end up doing anything. I got depressed.
I wanted food from Taco John’s for dinner so I drove to Cambridge.
I was thinking about stuff and feeling depressed. So I started to sing a song to Jesus.
This wasn’t some song I knew or had heard before. It was strait from my heart.
As I had started to sing, I looked out my windshield and saw a rainbow that had just formed. I knew it wasn’t there before. This one had a red tinge to all the colors, and it looked really cool. It stayed there until I was done with my song then it disappeared.
Cool Huh?
The Lord has been putting songs into my heart lately. Now I just hope I can get all my recording gear and get some of these down before I loose them.
I have a nice long weekend. I took Monday off, sweet. So hopefully it turns out to be a good time. Hopefully it’s a great couple of days.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

No Sacrifice

Listening to: Jason Upton – Faith.

Reading: Job 1, 2; Psalm 119: Gimel (119:17-24), Dalet (119:25-32)

“I don’t know what to do; But my eyes are on You” – Jason Upton – Gideon

Psalm 119:20 “My soul is crushed with longing after Your ordinances at all times”

Right now my heart is longing after God. To always be in the overwhelming presence of the Lord at all times. Some days He feels so far away. Like he isn’t there. But I know He will never leave or forsake me. He is always right there, next to me. I need to trust in that.
Lord Crucify my flesh!

This song has really been on my mind, and it just rings true for me.

No Sacrifice – Jason Upton

To you I give my life
Not just the parts I want to
To You I sacrifice
These dreams that I hold onto

Your thoughts are higher than mine
Your words are deeper than mine
Your love is stronger than mine
This is no sacrifice, here’s my life

To You I give the gifts
Your love has given me
How can I hoard the treasures
That You designed for free?

Your thoughts are higher than mine
Your words are deeper than mine
Your love is stronger than mine
This is no sacrifice, here’s my life

To You I give my future
As long as it may last
To You I give my present
To You I give my past

Your thoughts are higher than mine
Your words are deeper than mine
Your love is stronger than mine
This is no sacrifice, here’s my life

I'm feeling a lot like parts of Psalm 27 right now.

Strange Day... So Far

Today has been very strange.
I can't explain it. I've spilled coffee on the floor, almost missing myself completely. I didn’t get it on my pants, but a small bit on my shirt (Good thing it’s black).
The Dealer Locator worked this morning… after not working when people changed the time synchronization back. We needed time synchronization, but when that happened, it didn’t work. I found out there is an almost two minute window ahead, and almost one minute behind buffer. Did that work on our server… no.
If it was a half a second ahead it didn’t work. It works with 16 seconds behind, that’s great. But today, it synced back up, and it works.
I swear, Servers hate me today, I didn’t do anything to make them mad!
I even have a mystery error. It works on its own server, but not when trying to communicate to others across the internet… How odd!
Ah, the fun of web services.

But, There is a positive note to all this. I was finally able to buy my Film Scanner!
I’ve waited months for this, but it came in stock yesterday.

Nikon Coolscan V ED

Another positive point is going to Duluth/North Shore on Sunday, plus the meeting at Chris’ home should be an awesome time too.

Only a few more hours left.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Justified Through the Blood

Listening to: Matt Redman - Facedown

Reading: Revelations 3:1-3:13; Romans 5:6-5:11

Romans 5:9- Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him.

"We are breathing the breath, that you gave us to Breathe" - Matt Redman - Breathing the Breath

Missions Flame - Awesome Song - Problems arose when I wanted to do it on a Sunday Morning... I'm not bitter

"You should be the praise of every tongue, You should be the Joy of every heart... Send us Out!"

Yes, send us out Lord. The world truly needs you. Send us out of our comfort zones, send us out of the walls. Send us out to our streets, our towns, our homes, our states, our country and the world! The people truly need to know Jesus. Not church, not religion, but the true saving power of Jesus. Arise Church! Wake Up! The Harvest is Now! The fields are ready! Let us walk in the true love of Jesus, walk according to His Word, and be true disciples. Help us Lord to walk in the Truth. Come Lord Jesus, Come.

Life So Far


I've decided to blog my life.
All the little things that bother me, inspire me, frustrate me, and stuff I love.
I'll post on my life and the things I've done, or will do.
Posts about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

I'm pretty much just putting my thoughts and life and being transparent online.
If you would like to read, please do.
I'll try to post off and on, it will help me write more.
