Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Return of Blogging

So, It's been since December since I wrote last. Quite a long time. So much has happened. Good and Bad, but mainly Good.

Since the last writing I have gotten Studio Gear. I'll write on that later. I've overcome one of the hugest obstacles in my life, Praise God. It's only been through His Grace, and not my works.

I'm sponsoring two orphans. One from Pakistan and the other Myanmar. I bought a Djembe too. I've been to some great concerts, been camping and preparing for Worship Unto Him, an event 3 years in the making, and it all comes down to August 17-19 of this year!!

I've been through some really rough patches too. Breaking down, confessing, and getting rid of junk. I've been leading worship at the Cambridge House of Prayer, which will be getting bigger sometime soon. All awesome stuff. And the coolest one is I'm in a season of Songwriting.

Over the years God has given me songs once in a while. Chunks of them. Now, there has been more. He graciously allowed me to get my gear so I can record my ideas. But songs have been coming like crazy. At night, during morning at work, whenever. I am planning a CD. I have the ideas, and hopefully in less then 2 years I will have one. Lots of work ahead, but with what God has been doing, it shouldn't be too long. I think I'm finally healed from what happened with “her”. It's taken a while, but it did o so hurt me. I'm ready to move on. It's like there is a famine of women around who really love Jesus though. I do need to focus on Jesus more and more. That's really all I want. I've just been seeking confirmation on stuff, waiting and hoping. There is this lady I know. I would like to get to know her better-- not date her. It seems one sided when trying to talk to her, because I don't know her side much at all, and I would like to. I'd just like to be a part of her world somehow. Become good friends. I don't know what, or how to do that. How can I do that without her thinking I'm hitting on her or have other motives when asking her to do something? I'd just like more friends I can do stuff with and hang out with. If she ever reads this, I hope she would let me know if this is even possible.

Well, Lots is going on, and I want to start writing more and more. Remember, these are my raw thoughts and feelings at the time of their writing. Please be praying for me.

Jacob Whom Jesus Loves


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