Tuesday, October 10, 2006


What am I to do?

Many thoughts spinning around through my mind.
To Call or not, to buy or not, to Tell or not.
Who? What? Where? When? Why?
What to change, and what to leave.
Were do You want me Lord?
What do You want me to do?
Who do You want me with?
When are the things You have for me planned?
Why... Because I want to follow Your will.

I am not my own. I belong to Jesus. I gave You my life, my will, my all.
I am Yours.

As the thoughts whirl around my brain, I keep coming back to one thought...
Despite what I may think, feel, or do, All I want to do is follow Your perfect will.
That's all. Remove all the 'stuff' and follow you like I should.

Ah, but what to do?


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