Thursday, September 28, 2006

Strange Day... So Far

Today has been very strange.
I can't explain it. I've spilled coffee on the floor, almost missing myself completely. I didn’t get it on my pants, but a small bit on my shirt (Good thing it’s black).
The Dealer Locator worked this morning… after not working when people changed the time synchronization back. We needed time synchronization, but when that happened, it didn’t work. I found out there is an almost two minute window ahead, and almost one minute behind buffer. Did that work on our server… no.
If it was a half a second ahead it didn’t work. It works with 16 seconds behind, that’s great. But today, it synced back up, and it works.
I swear, Servers hate me today, I didn’t do anything to make them mad!
I even have a mystery error. It works on its own server, but not when trying to communicate to others across the internet… How odd!
Ah, the fun of web services.

But, There is a positive note to all this. I was finally able to buy my Film Scanner!
I’ve waited months for this, but it came in stock yesterday.

Nikon Coolscan V ED

Another positive point is going to Duluth/North Shore on Sunday, plus the meeting at Chris’ home should be an awesome time too.

Only a few more hours left.


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