Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Justified Through the Blood

Listening to: Matt Redman - Facedown

Reading: Revelations 3:1-3:13; Romans 5:6-5:11

Romans 5:9- Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him.

"We are breathing the breath, that you gave us to Breathe" - Matt Redman - Breathing the Breath

Missions Flame - Awesome Song - Problems arose when I wanted to do it on a Sunday Morning... I'm not bitter

"You should be the praise of every tongue, You should be the Joy of every heart... Send us Out!"

Yes, send us out Lord. The world truly needs you. Send us out of our comfort zones, send us out of the walls. Send us out to our streets, our towns, our homes, our states, our country and the world! The people truly need to know Jesus. Not church, not religion, but the true saving power of Jesus. Arise Church! Wake Up! The Harvest is Now! The fields are ready! Let us walk in the true love of Jesus, walk according to His Word, and be true disciples. Help us Lord to walk in the Truth. Come Lord Jesus, Come.


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